My "Aha" Moment About Fashion and Clothing

In observance of #Heartonmysleevechallenge the Heart On M y Sleeve Challenge and #fashionrevolutionweek Fashion Revolution Week.

Think BEFORE you buy!

The other day I had an "Aha" moment when thinking about the clothes I purchase. I think the lessons I have been getting from my friend Jesse of Themis and Thread are sinking in. I have always told myself that I couldn't afford to purchase her designer clothing. After all, I am a confirmed bargain hunter. How can I justify $90 for a dress? Then I got caught up in the fun of an online clothing party and purchased a dress from LuLaRoe. I was so dissapointed in the quality of the fabric. Silly me! For a few dollars more then my LuLaRoe dress that was made in Guatemala, I could have an ethically, American made, locally designed dress. Why, Jesse's dress even looks more comfortable. Lesson learned.

I will still search for bargains, but it will be in a thrift store or yard sale where I am reusing.


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