Bilger's Rocks

Shadows of ourselves

We fed our inner geologists today with a visit to an interesting rock out-cropping. Located just outside of Curwensville in western, Pennsylvania, Bilger's Rocks is called a classic "Rock City." A result of frost wedging the large sandstone blocks make for an irresistible play ground for kids of all ages.

Tom ready for the hike.

The first crevice we encountered.

The autumn made it just beautiful.

Looking down.

I see light under that boulder.

Exposed tree roots helping to erode the sandstone.

Bill was the first one to the bottom.

The roots look so interesting.

A fungus? I need to do some identification.

We got to watch some young people climbing and repelling.

Just beauty in the rocks and trees.

Bonfire ring at the top.

Pavilion decorated for Halloween.


Beautiful stage.

Looking at the campground. Tent camping only.

Concession stand.


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